Intention : our penpals from the USA.

Hello everybody. These are our answers to your questions. Soon will come ourown questions!

What is the best part of living in France?

This is a rather rich country. There is no war. It’s the most visited country in the world. There are many historical monuments. The food is pretty good, some french cooks are among the best in the world. Agriculture is well developped. There are various landscapes in a rather small territory.

Another question is what does your school look like?

We are going to take pictures of the building, and of the surrounding areas.

One more question is what is the name of your school?

It’s called « Jacques Prévert », named after a 20th century french poet .

What do you do in school?

Maths, french, english, sport, art, french history, moral education, music, geography, sciences. Some kids get some help in french and maths, in small groups.

Do you have a big classroom?

It must be above average, rather big yes. Pictures will follow.

What do you like to do when you’re not in school ?

Playing games (with neighbours, one’s brothers or sisters, one’s parents, one’s friends), playing videogames, sleeping, doing one’s homework, playing tennis, playing football, playing outside, playing gymnastics, riding horses, playing with Pokemons, dancing, boxing, doing judo, swimming, playing basketball, going to the movies, reading, watching TV, visiting one’s relatives, eating, playing table football, going to the restaurant, visiting amusement parks, playing the violin, playing table tennis, riding the bike, playing the guitar, hiking, walking one’s dog, going to some funfair, taking care of one’s pet, playing « petanque », going bowling, singing, going shoping, visiting a museum, playing volleyball, playing handball, playing paintball, tidying one’s bedroom…

Are you all the same age?

No, 7 kids were born in 2014, 14 kids were born in 2013, 1 was born in 2013.

How do you get to school every day?

By car, by foot, by bike, riding a scooter…

Do you have music at school?

Normaly we have choral singing, with two or three other classes. But this is cancelled due to Covid. So we just learn songs with our teacher.

Do you have a playground at school? What is the best thing about it?

No we don’t. But a playgroung will be soon built (10 minutes walk), which will be possibly used by classes.


How old is your school? 

It was built some 30 years ago.

What is your favorite food that you eat at school?

Among the 22 kids, 2 never eat at school restaurant. Our favorite food : french fries, pizza, nuddles, sandwiches, fruits, donuts, chocolate, sausages, soup, waffles,

Also local food, hard to translate : cordon bleu, fondue and raclette (based on cheese), local pancakes… Photos will be help!   

Do you have a class pet?

No, we don’t. Some day maybe.

Another question is do you read and write in class? 

Of course yes. We also use computers to work.

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