Intention : our penpals from the USA (2).

Hi everybody! Here are some new questions from your french penpals. And some brand new photos from our village. Hope you will enjoy…


Here are our new questions :

Do you have any maps on the wall in your classroom ? If so, what do they look like ?

Do you have any « fire drills » in your school ? If so, how many per year ?

Is there a lot of noise in your classroom ? Do the pupils have always the same place in the classroom ? Are the tables always pushed together, with pupils working in groups ?

What happens if some kids don’t behave well ? What kind of sanction ?

Do you sometimes have school trips ? If so, where do you go ?

In our classroom, we have two different groups of students (2nd grade and 3rd grade) : is it the case in your classroom ?

How many girls and how many boys in your classroom ?

Are there any problems due to violence in your school ? Are there any dangerous areas in your town ?

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